Social – Cash Bar & Complimentary Appetizers (provided by Rockafellers) – 6:30pm
Call to Order – 7:02pm
Special guest, Vincent Smith
Running for Virginia Beach School Board.
Special guest, Karen Crowley
Karen sits on the board for Virginia musical theater. They allow Shadowlawn Civic League members to purchase tickets for $38 per show for Evita. Roughly $20 discount. Feb 23, 24, 25 (Fri and Sat only).
Blake to share on social media and share list of SCL members to Karen
Special Guest – Rosemary Wilson and executive assistant, Deb Favaron.
Invited Shadowlawn to attend a free event on Monday, February 19 from 6-8pm at the VA Aquarium new South Building Auditorium. Police Chief Paul Neudigate and Sheriff Rocky Holcomb will be in attendance.
Old Business:
1. Approval Meeting Minutes from November, 2023
2. Shadowlawn Shinedown; sponsorship from Rockafellers. $50 gift card to winner of each category.
3. Winston Salem Project for Street Expansions and Improvements Update
Rosemary Wilson: Per City Manager, bids have come in. Still above budget but gap is not as big. Council will need to approve.
Tuesday night – Open mic night. Residents can come speak on any topic they want. Since this is more eminent, highly encourage attendance to speak or support. Council meeting starts at 6; this is at the end of the meeting.
Blake will share more widely on social media.
Blake: only 4 residents showed up at the last Open Mic night. City Council will listen. We need to show our support in numbers. This is the closest we’ve been since 1989.
CL member – call for participation; can we organize a carpool? Few members volunteered.
CL member question: Where can I find information on Winston Salem Project? Blake to provide information.
4. Whit Sessoms Project
Whit has withdrawn everything temporarily.
Beverly is checking periodically to see if he’s sneaking something through.
No update from last Civic League meeting
New Business:
1. Nominate Officers for 2024
Slate of officers nominated: Blake Roberson, President, Meghan Roberson, Vice President, Tammy _____ , Treasurer, Morgan Burnett, Secretary
Motion passes
2. Membership Update
201 current memberships; 53 cash/check from last year that need to renew.
3. Treasurer's Report
Reported by President; current balance: $13,813
4. Projects
New Signs, Shadowlawn Civic League - quotes and ideas
Purchase 4 new signs, brighter color to grab attention.
In the process of getting quotes and ideas.
If you have ideas or contacts, please email
New Shadowlawn 10x10 tent
Looking to purchase in 2024. Will be approximately $1200 and discussed with new board when they are sworn in.
Neighborhood entry signage - installation by July 1, 2024, location dependent.
New signs have been made by the city.
CL member: Can you share what the sign will look like? Blake will share
These will be in the ground
Winston Salem Project will not impact
Reviewing by-laws of other civic leagues
Will present to the CL in the next few months
5. Shadowlawn Walking Club
Started by Sarah Raad.
Starts this coming Monday – February 5 @ 7am. Meet at Pizza Chapel
Goal is to walk every Monday at 7am. Plans to grow to Wednesdays and Fridays
Civic League is supporting this cause.
6. Shadowlawn Days of Caring
In the process of setting up a new committee. Plan to meet 3x per year.
Goal is to help our neighbors in need, (ex. Knee/hip replacement, etc.) with yard work.
7. Military Welcome Home Committee
New committee; looking for 5-10 volunteers to place flags out along road leading them home.
Call to action: Need help to know who is coming home. Looking for Military members gone 3+ months.
8. Virginia Beach Trail Project
Virginia Beach section will run from Norfolk/VA Beach line to Rudee loop
$15M set aside to build 9ft wide paved trail.
Plan for the entire trail project is to go from Rudee Loop to Blue Ridge Mountains
Check out the city’s website for more information.
9. Shadowlawn – Neighborhood Established 1924
Deb and Meghan working together to create a Shadowlawn book honoring tradition and history of our neighborhood.
Call to action: If anyone has additional contacts or information or pictures, please share
CL member: The Icehouse Restaurant was … an icehouse. It may be a good source of information
CL member: Real estate assessment could be pulled to see how old the houses are in our neighborhood
10. Upcoming Events
Shadowlawn Neighborhood Yard Sale (May 4th)
Last year we had 25 homes. Would like to have 25 again.
We will be the same weekend as Croatan’s Neighborhood Yard Sale.
Da Biscuit will be back.
Register home online on website -> events.
Spring Fling - 100 Years of Shadowlawn
Working to design a 100 year logo for 2024.
Rosemary Wilson can have a proclamation made for Shadowlawn Day.
More information:
11. Website
Electronic dues payment
Calendar of events and event registration
Meeting minutes
Sponsorship opportunities
12. Community Reminders/Updates
Senior Citizen Police Academy - 3/6/24 through 5/28/24 (9am -12pm every Tuesday)
Virginia Beach Animal Care and Adoption Services - adoptions are now $1 in VB
Transportation Future 2040 Survey - open until March 8, 2024 (shared on Facebook)
13. Crime Report
Numbers better than last year
Closing remarks: Big shout out to Rockefeller’s for hosting our meeting
Blake opens floor for resident suggestions
Halloween decorating contest
Movie nights
Surf Club
Check out vbsurflessons for all your surfing lesson needs
Blue mailbox – can we have another one in the neighborhood?
Meeting Adjourned @ 8:00pm
Social - Cash Bar & Complimentary Appetizers