Social – Cash Bar & Complimentary Appetizers (provided by Rockafellers) – 6:30pm
Call to Order – 7:00pm
Old Business:
1. Approve Meeting Minutes from April 19, 2023
2. Updates since last meeting
Yard Sale
Spring Fling
National Night Out
Shadowlawn Surf Club
Tour de Shadowlawn
Shirt Orders
3. Traffic – speed control update
4. Shadowlawn neighborhood entrance signs
5. Winston Salem Project
6. Membership update
7. Treasurer Report
New Business:
1. Volunteer Committee
2. Safety & Crime Report – annual data will be presented at 4th Quarter Meeting
3. Shadowfest – October 28th (3-7pm)
Parade line up 3pm with 3:30 start time
Shadowfest 4-7pm
Volunteers needed (set up, check in, clean-up)
4. Upcoming Events
Fall Movie Nights
Shadowlawn Shinedown - Holiday Decorating Contest
Holiday Movie/Party
5. Whit Sessoms – Presentation, 500 Block of Winston Salem
Adjourn/Social - Cash Bar & Complimentary Appetizers