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Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2023

Writer's picture: Meghan GwaltneyMeghan Gwaltney

6:30 - Social / Happy Hour

7:15 - Meeting was called to order.

Installation of New Board Members:

  • The 2022 board welcomed the new board for 2023. Jan Anderson swore in the 2023 board members with the exception of Treasurer who was unable to attend the meeting and will be sworn in at a later date.

  • President, Blake Roberson

  • Vice President, Meghan Roberson

  • Treasurer, Patrick Cerone

  • Secretary, Connie Strickland

Old Business:

  1. Pearl Homes: There were 54 homes that qualified as Pearl homes at the November 2022 meeting. Blake encouraged all attendees to participate in this endeavor. Our goal as a neighborhood is to have 360 homes qualify in order for Shadowlawn to be considered a Pearl Neighborhood. Register your homes at Board will update house numbers at the next meeting.

New Business:

  1. Minutes from the November 2022 Meeting were approved.

  2. 2023 annual budget was approved. The board requested that all members pay dues at the beginning of the year if able so a budget can be created based on those numbers. The current budget was based on 150 paid members. The board encouraged members to recruit new neighbors to join, as well. Amy Yendall suggested putting civic league signs in the yards of members to possibly encourage new members.

  3. The 2023 list of events was presented and approved. See below for more information regarding these events. Members also suggested a 4th of July Golf Cart & Bike parade and a 5k Race.

  4. Website & Social Media Presence: Vice President, Meghan Roberson, introduced the new website for the Civic League which can be found at as well as a new Instagram account, @shadowlawncivicleague. The Civic League facebook page is still active. A Nextdoor account will also be created. Board asked members to find the Civic League on social media for event updates, information, etc. This social media presence can also be used to share events and updates with others.

  5. There is an E-cycling event on January 28 at the Virginia Aquarium.

  6. Clean the Bay Day is May 30 through June 4th. Jim and Deb Flanagan graciously said people could use their water access at 708 Arctic Ave.

  7. The Rudee Loop Survey has been extended until January 29. Fran Johnson suggested the civic league adopt a stance with commissioners. She also suggested our civic league join forces with other civic leagues in the area (Croatan, Lakewood, Harborpoint, etc). No motion was made for the civic league to make an official stance on this issue but the Board encouraged members to participate in the survey to share their individual opinions.

  8. Crime report was presented by President, Blake Roberson for the 2021/2022 year. He will do this quarterly in 2023.

  9. Signage: Past President, Mike Camden and President, Blake Roberson are working together to get neighborhood signs installed at the entrances to the neighborhood by the end of 2023. The signs have already been created. We are waiting for the city to approve the location of each sign.

  10. Murals to Cover Graffiti: Past President, Mike Camden and President, Blake Roberson will work with Waste Management Inc. to inquire about the possibility that murals could be painted on the dumpsters behind Pizza Chapel ash they are frequently vandalized with spray paint.

  11. Beautification Committee: Fran Johnson suggested forming a committee to help make our neighborhood more attractive. This may be accomplished in part with the installation of the new neighborhood signs and could include landscaping around this area.

  12. Shine Down Holidays Lights Contest Winners were announced. Each received a $30 gift card from Shadowlawn Eats. The Board encouraged members to show their appreciation to Shadowlawn Eats and check out their new brunch schedule on Saturdays and Sundays from 8am-12m.

Real Time Issues:

  1. A member reported that he had watched a city council meeting and several issues pertained to Shadowlawn including one or more of the following:

  2. The Winston Salem project is on track to improve traffic patterns on this road, maintain local parking spaces, and provide a safer and wider sidewalk for pedestrians. The Board will keep members updated as we receive information from the city.

  3. Freebie taxi service will be continuing past the projected 3 months. This service is available free of charge and works similar to Uber or Lyft. There is an app available.

  4. City council has discussed making a section of Atlantic Avenue serpentine and are trialing some traffic pattern options in the middle sections of Atlantic Avenue near

Proposed Events for 2023:

National Night Out will be August 1st. National Night Out is a community event hosted across the US which encourages community involvement and reinforces positive relationships with law enforcement. The Board will reach out to VBPD and VBFD for their participation and provision of trucks or other city vehicles for the children to see, touch, and explore. Food trucks were also suggested and the Board is hoping to have at least 4 trucks participate. Amy Yendall offered to let a truck use her driveway at 508 Mediterranean Ave.

Shadowlawn Surf Club will return this year every Wednesday night beginning June 21. The purpose of the Shadowlawn Surf Club is to provide neighborhood families an opportunity to get together every week to relax on the beach, meet one another, and build community while the kids surf, splash, or play in the sand. This family-friendly event is a long-running tradition in Shadowlawn but dwindled during recent years and stopped altogether due to COVID. We hope to revive this tradition with a new generation of Shadowlawn families and also welcome back families who were involved from the beginning. The Board would like to offer swag and raffles for those who attend. (This is not a formal club and surfing is not required. All are welcome!)

Shadowlawn Oyster Roast is a new event added to the calendar of events for 2023. The Board is planning this event for the fall of 2023 and would like to offer an open bar and AYCE oysters among other food options. This will be a ticketed event but Civic League members will receive a discount.

Community Yard Sale: The neighborhood yard sale will be scheduled for April or May. One member suggested having tables available in one location to allow those who live in condos or lesser-trafficked areas to participate. The Board will look into the possibility of using one of the available parking lots for this purpose.

8:35pm - Meeting was adjourned.

82 members present

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