Social – Cash Bar (6:30pm)
Call to Order (7:00pm)
Social – Cash Bar (6:30pm)
Call to Order (7:00pm)
Old Business:
1. Approve meeting minutes from April 24, 2024
2. Neighborhood entrance signs. Still ongoing
New Business:
1. Membership Update
2. Treasurer's Report
3. Crime Report
3. Update on Winston Salem Ave.
Emily Archer & Denis Ozowara
4. Election Candidates
School Board
Vincent Smith- School Board Candidate District 5
City Council
LG Shaw – City Council Candidate District 5
Rosemary Wilson- City Council Candidate District 5
5. Update since last meeting
Yard sale
Spring Fling
Shadowlawn Proclamation (Shadowlawn Day)
Ice Cream Social
Welcome Home Committee- CMD Joel Nogle – 9-month deployment
Shadowlawn Surf Club- 6 weeks this summer- 2 week with free pizza
National Night Out
Shadowlawn Booze Cruise
5. Tour de Shadowlawn
4 stops (Rudee’s, Rockafeller’s, Big Sam’s, Ice House)
Increased the length of time at each location
Final Stop: Ice House with Live Music
Tour de Shadowlawn Sunglasses will be for sale. $3
6. Shadowfest
Same location as last year
Members only event
7. Bylaws Update
Shadow Lawn Height Civic League, Inc DBA Shadowlawn Civic League
Bylaws will be emailed out at least 2 weeks prior to our next meeting for review.
8. Community Reminders/Updates
Holiday Bike Night November
Holiday Movie Night (The Blind)
We’d like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to BJ and Rockafeller’s for hosting us this evening.
**Please take care of your bartenders and tip generously!
We’d like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Rockafeller’s for hosting us this evening.
**Please take care of your bartenders and tip generously!
